von sgerstenberger / 9. January 2018

Contract extension: the Lantzerath Group to continue catering for German ESSO stations until 2021

ExxonMobil/Quant and the Lantzerath Group have extended their exclusive contractual relationship for Lantzerath to cater for the approx. 1,100 ESSO gas stations in Germany up until 2021!

The contract between Quant (formerly ABB) and the Lantzerath Group in Germany dates from January 1, 2010: The management (maintenance and upkeep) of all ESSO gas stations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland became a model for a successful partnership. In addition to the overall responsibility for the uptime of all technical equipment, they have jointly perfected methods and systems to maximize occupational safety and environmental protection.

After 7 years, the existing contract was extended by an additional three years and had an option added to the agreement. On the basis of this agreement, the Lantzerath Group, represented by TOPTEQ Tankstellentechnik GmbH, will continue to act as the general contractor for ExxonMobil/Quant in Germany.

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