Christmas 2019 Lucky star cookie recipe

von PR ADMIN / 20. December 2019

Lucky star cookie recipe

Dear colleagues, business partners and friends

There are just a few pages left on our 2019 calendar and another year filled with stories is drawing to an end for us here.  

We worked a lot, did a lot of overtime and enjoyed the resulting leisure time. We celebrated our successes andour failures, because they both helped us move forward. Some colleagues retired, new colleagues joined us and new friendships ensued. We froze at the start of the year and then we all melted in the summer heat. We continued to develop, set up new partnerships, forged plans and established ourselves more broadly. We started new projects, achieved goals, and – above all – we were delighted to have happy customers. We didn’t give up until the last customer was satisfied.  

Now it’s that time of the year when we can look back on all these events with pride and pleasure – and enjoy some peace and quiet with our family, friends or just spend some quality time alone. We would like to gift all our employees, customers and friends with a very special recipe for this time of year. 🙂 

Lucky star cookie recipe

  • Heat up the oven to the warmth of a human heart 
  • Then carefully and evenly roll out the prepared good mood dough 
  • Cut the lucky star cookies out, lay them on a baking sheet and bake for a peaceful hour full of magical memories. 
  • Sprinkle the lucky star cookies with dream sugar 
  • Finally, enjoy the lucky star cookies with your favorite people and turn those moments together into magic moments. 

We wish you all peaceful Christmas festivities and all the best for 2020! 

The Lantzerath family 
and all members of the Lantzerath Group

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